
Lama juga xupdate blog. maklum la guna prepaid broadband. hehe. pastu dok topup pn bkn tuk post blog sndiri. dok tolong orang buat blog. jadi xdapat la nk berleter kt sini.
So, hari tu ein banyak search internet tentang incompetent cervix dan retroverted uterus.
Ada kaitan dengan ein kan. terjumpa satu web ni tentang incompetent cervix. Dr India dari India. Dr Vijaya namanya. salute kat dia sebab kesanggupan dia membantu dan menjawab macam2soalan tentang incompetent cervix. Owh. Tapi dia xsuka guna perkataan incompetent. Dia guna perkataan short cervix. Kenapa? Jap lagi terjawab la soalan 2.
Memandangkan dia bukak sesi soal jawab, ein pun join la. Dengan BI yang berterabur grammar nya (BI mmg lulus. fhm la. tp nk speeking 2agak hancus sebab grammar. past tense present tense salu kantoi.muahaha) ein pun tnye la die. Alhamdulillah dia dah jawab. So, jangan gelak baca apa yg ein tulis. Ketuk kang baru tau. Ehe. Sila lah baca:
Hi!I am 20 weeks 6days when i’ve lost my baby.after 29days of lost,my doctor said that i have incompetent cervix.the question here is,supposedly he will know about that every time he checked me did he?and he did not asked me whether there is something wrong happen before miscarriage.
for your information. before miscarriage, i’ve lift my luggage, a heavy luggage by myself when i’m going for a vacation and i felt pain. after some rest, the pain disappear. a few days later,i met with an accident and felt so much pain and make me so difficult to stand and walk. But there is no physical injured. after a day,that pain was gone. a few days letter,i’ve felt pain again and felt like going to a bathroom. there is a small amount of bleeding, and i asked my husband to go to the hospital. doctor said that there is no way to save the baby and i have to deliver the baby.
my question is, is my miscarriage happen because of incompetent cervix or because of my physical activities(lift a heavy things such as luggage)and accident? my friends said that if i didn’t do that physical activities and met with and accident, probably my baby is safe.
is there any chance if i didn’t get a stitch during my 2nd pregnancy?
what percent if i just get a bedrest without having a stitch?
Hi Lein,
First, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I wish I could tell you for sure what is the cause of the “incompetent cervix”. I also want to tell you, I hate the term “incompetent” because it makes you feel as if there is something wrong with you. Fact is, we do not really know why some moms have a shorter cervix compared to others. And, some moms with a very short cervix can carry their pregnancy to full term, while others don’t.
I do not think that lifting heavy luggage had anything to do with the loss. However, if you already happened to have some shortening, which had not been discovered, both the lifting of heavy luggage and the accident may have precipitated it.
I do not know if your doctor did check your cervical length or not. Typically most OBs will check it with an abdominal US (and full bladder) anywhere between 18-22 weeks. If there are no other risk factors, and this was your first child, the OB may not have had any reason to be concerned and do an early check.
In your second pregnancy, it would be wise to get yourself monitored early – as early as 11-14 week, and if there is shortening, then depending upon how short your cervix is, and how it holds its length, your OB will suggest whether a cerclage would be essential or not. Thereafter, monitoring at every 2-3 week intervals would be the way to go if findings suggest shortening.
Hope this helps-
So far ein agak lega la bila baca saranan doc ni. kalau ada rezeki lg, be more alert. tapi kalau bole ein memang xnak jait. banyak sgt risiko yg agak menakutkan ein. ein ni da la bnyak penyakit. kalau bole xnk tmbh lg.
tp apa2pun, semua tu kuasa Allah. Dia jadikan tiap benda tu bersebab. Dan apa yang Dia takdirkan tu adalah untuk kebaikan kita sebagai hamba Nya. Tak pernah dia buat sesuatu untuk keburukan kita. sedangkan orang jahat pun Dia bg peluang lg untuk bertaubat. Ingat tu. Jangan berburuk sangka pada Nya.
Ein pun, usaha tetap usaha. mungkin ein berdoa, berusaha namun xcukup bertawakal pada Nya. Ein yakin kalau Ein xmampu, xkn Dia bg amanah dekat ein walaupun sekejap. Ein pernah trbaca, waktu tu single lagi. Kenapa ada yg lmbat dikurniakan anak. Ustaz tu cakap, mungkin kerana pasangan tu belum layak lagi utk pegang amanah. sekurang2nya ein syukur sebab dapat merasa walaupun sekejap.
Kalau lepas ni rezeki ein cepat, alhamdulillah. bermakna ein sebenarnya dah bersedia. tapi kalau rezeki ein lambat, mungkin bermakna keadaan ein belum betul2 kuat atau belum layak atau mungkin akan memudaratkan. siapa yang tau? kita cuma boleh berfikir secara logik tapi sesungguhnya Dia yang tau segala2nya.
TQ juga pada Farhana, adik ein yg sorang ni. ein xbagitau dia pun yg ein gugur. lama xcontact. ein pn xnk ganggu die sbb waktu tu dia final year. skrg dh duk umh dh tgu posting. then ana crte la yg mak die dh brape kali gugur dan anak mati dlm perut. smpai doc suh jahit kalau mengandung lg sebab sejarah gugur banyak. tp mak ana xnk. bila mengandungkan ana, mak dia bnykkn bedrest dan xbuat pun keje umh. alhamdulillah, ana lahir on term. anak sulung. then adik2 ana semua nya secara normal. xde dh bedrest.
mcm 2jgk 1crte ttg tukang urut ein. 4kali gugur. last gugur semata2 dia mkn cucur udang cicah dgn sos cuka 2. sikit je dia kata. tp dh nk jd sebab, gugur jgk. so dia xtau dia mengandung lg. tau2 xdtg bln. dia xfkr dia mengandung. dia mkn la mcm2 jns jamu, g urut, amk ubt bg turunkn drh. xjga. lama2 g cek, bru tau dia mengandung. pun nk jdkn sbb, dulu mkn sos cuka skit dh gugur. mngandung kali ke 5 g urut, mkn jamu dll, tp alhamdulillah pun bersalin on term n anak dia sht walafiat.
2antara tnda kekuasaan Allah. Bila Dia kata jadi, maka jadilah. biar besar mana masalah kita rasa, itu semua untuk menguji kita. janganlah pula kita salah kn nasib, knp aku mcm ni, knp jd mcm 2. slhkn nasib atau takdir brmakna kita buruk sangka pada Allah. slhkn takdir, kurangnya iman kita sebab percaya pada qada dan qadar adalah slh 1rukun iman. banyakkan berdoa dan bertawakal padaNya.
Insyaallah... Ein redha dan serahkan segalanya pada Allah. Hanya Dia yang tau apa yg baik dan yg xbaik utk hmba Nya.
P/S: Credit 2 Ana n Humaira. n tuk kwn2 yg amk berat ttg ein selama ein cuba tuk bangkit kembali.